Special economic zone of technical and innovative type «Almaz»
A special economic zone of a technical and innovative type, created in the territories of the Engels, Balakovsky municipal districts and the municipal formation "City of Saratov" of the Saratov region (SEZ TVT of the Saratov region), was created by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 763 of 05/27/2020.
The Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Saratov region, the administration of the municipal formation "City of Saratov", the administration of the Engels and Balakovsky municipal districts of the Saratov region signed an Agreement No. С-58-СГ / Д14 dated June 25, 2020 on the creation of a special economic zone of a technical and innovative type.

A feature of the SEZ TVT Almaz is that it was created on the existing infrastructure of industrial enterprises of the radio-electronic cluster in Saratov, JSC «RPC «Almaz», JSC «RPC «Kontakt», JSC «CIME», JSC «Saratovelektronproekt», and enterprises in the city of Saratov. Engels LLC "Signal", at the expense of extra-budgetary sources.
SEZ TVT "Almaz" was created with the aim of forming a high-tech cluster for the needs of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, aerospace, energy and gas industries, utilities; stimulating private investment in the creation of new production facilities for modern competitive products and further development of the Saratov region.
Special economic zones are an integrated tool for economic development. The state creates special territories, which it endows with a special legal status and economic benefits to attract investors to priority sectors for Russia.
In our country, special economic zones began to develop on July 22, 2005, when Federal Law No. 116 "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation" was adopted, thanks to the creation of favorable conditions for investors through the provision of tax, customs and administrative preferences. Following the interests of investors, the state, at the expense of budgetary funds, is building innovative, engineering, transport and social infrastructure in special economic zones.
As the main results of the creation of the SEZ TVT "Almaz" on the territory of the Saratov region, it is expected:
- increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations of SEZ TVT "Almaz" residents due to tax preferences provided by the SEZ;
- placement of research and engineering centers of Russian and foreign companies on the territory of the city of Saratov, Engels and Balakovsky municipal districts of the Saratov region;
- stimulation of the transfer and localization of technologies for the production of innovative products due to the customs advantages that companies belonging to the SEZ TVT of the Saratov region have, as well as the commercialization of scientific and technical developments;
- increasing production volumes, increasing the share of high-tech and science-intensive products of the enterprises of the SEZ TVT "Almaz" in the city of Saratov, Engels and Balakovsky municipal districts of the Saratov region;
- increasing the number of jobs, increasing wages, improving working conditions by attracting new innovative companies and creating a favorable competitive environment;
- increasing tax revenues to the budgets of all levels due to the localization of investment projects in the territory of the SEZ TVT "Almaz".
Description of land plots (zonal planning of the territory)
- the plot of territory No. 1 (Saratov) is formed at the expense of 7 land plots of JSC " RPC "Almaz" with a total area of 13.7 hectares;
- plot of territory No. 2 (Saratov) is formed at the expense of 12 land plots of JSC "RPC "Kontakt" with a total area of 40 hectares;
- territory No. 3 Saratov Digital Technopark (Saratov) with a total area of 2.0 hectares;
- the plot of the territory No. 4 (Engels) is formed at the expense of the land plot of LLC "Signal-real Estate" with a total area of 9.1 hectares;
- plot of territory No. 5 (Balakovo) - the land plot of Bykovo-Otrogsky municipal formation of Balakovo district of the Saratov region is in municipal ownership, has an area of 53.6 hectares;
- the plot of the territory No. 6 (Balakovo) is formed at the expense of a land plot within the boundaries of the city of Balakovo district of the Saratov region, which has an address reference point: Balakovo, Saratovskoe Highway, district Heat and Power Plant-4, is in municipal ownership, has a total area of 5.5 hectares.
Legal framework and regulations:
- Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 22.07.2005 (18.07.2017 edition) "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation";
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.05.2020 No. 763 "On the creation of a special economic technical and innovation type in the territories of the Engels and Balakovsky Municipal districts and the municipal formation "City of Saratov" of the Saratov Region";
- The Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
- Law of the Saratov Region No. 131-ЗСО dated 01.08.2007 “On corporate income tax rates in relation to investors carrying out investment activities in the Saratov Region”. as amended by from 27.07.2020 N 104-ЗСО;
- Law of the Saratov Region No. 109-ЗСО dated 25.11.2002 "On the introduction of transport tax on the territory of the Saratov Region" as amended by from 27.07.2020 N 104-ЗСО;
- Agreement of June 18, 2010 "On the issues of free (special, special) economic zones in the customs territory of the Customs Union and the customs procedure of the free Customs zone".
- Ministry of Economic Development of Russia ( business plan form)
- Federal Law of 22.07.2005 No. 116-FZ
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2020 No. 763 "On the creation of a special economic technology-innovative type on the territories of the Engels, Balakovsky municipal districts and the municipal formation" City of Saratov "of the Saratov Region
- Standard form of the Agreement (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia-MC-Resident)